Autumn Events 2023

Tuesday October 3rd at 8:00 pm A story on a long embroidered Tapestry

Reynir Tóm­as Geirs­son, profes­sor emer­it­us, tells the story of the fam­ous Bayeux tap­estry, em­broid­er­ed in the elev­enth cent­ury. The tap­estry is over 70 meters long and is a pictor­ial story of the epic Nor­man in­vas­ion from France into Eng­land in 1066 end­ing with the Battle of Hast­ings. − in Icelandic −
Tuesday October 10th at 8:00 pm The Njál's Saga Tapestry

Kristín Ragna Gunnars­dótt­ir, art­ist and au­thor, will talk about the cre­ative pro­cess be­hind the Njál's Saga Tap­estry that she de­sign­ed and il­lu­strat­ed. The tap­estry is around 90 meters long and carries figures bas­ed on one of the best known Ice­land­ic Saga, the Njál’s Saga. It is sewn with the so call­ed Bayeux stitch, like the well known Bayeux Tapestry from the eleventh century. The idea of the Njál’s Saga Tapestry came origi­nal­ly from Christ­ina Bengts­son and Gunn­hild­ur Krist­jáns­dótt­ir, but num­er­ous people took part in sew­ing it at Hvols­völl­ur, the hist­or­ic site of the Njál’s Saga. − in Icelandic −
Tuesday October 17th at 8:00 pm L’Invitation au Voyage

Hildigunnur Einarsdóttir mezzo-soprano and
Guðrún Dalía Salómonsdóttir piano
Ravel − Satie − Bizet − Messiaen − Duparc − Saint-Saens
The per­formers share with us some of the magic of French music with the myst­eri­ous late rom­ant­ic songs of Duparc to the new sound world of Messi­aen and top it with the arias of Carmen and Dalila.
    Hildi­gunnur and Guð­rún Dalía have been a suc­cess­ful team for a dec­ade. In their reper­toire they focus on con­temp­or­ary Ice­land­ic music.
Saturday October 21st at 8:00 pm
35 years since the Museum was open to public
Anniversary Concert

Hlíf Sigurjónsdóttir violin and Carl Philippe Gionet piano.
Violin Sonata No. 32 in B flat major K454, Sonata in c minor for violin and piano, Op 45 and Scherzo-Taranelle Op 16 by Henryk Wieniawski.
Tuesday October 24th at 8:00 pm Solo Piano Concert
Canadian pianist Carl Phil­ippe Gion­et.
The program consists of Franz­ös­ische Suite Nr. 2 in C moll BWV 813 by Jo­hann Se­bast­ian Bach, Tow­ers by Shelley Was­hingt­on, Re­memb­er­ing Schub­ert by Ann South­am and Im­provisat­ions, writt­en in 2023 by the per­former.
Tuesday October 31st at 8:00 pm Concert

Sergio Coto lute

Music from the Renaissance, including works by John Dowland
Tuesday November 7th at 8:00 pm Gissur Páll Gissurarson tenor and Dr. Nína Margrét Grímsdóttir piano.
Program dedi­cat­ed to com­pos­er Árni Thor­steinsson (1870−1962)