Fréttatilkynning frá Listasafni Sigurjóns Ólafssonar
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Geirfinnur Jónsson
Listasafni Sigurjóns Ólafssonar
Sími 553 2906 netfang:LSO@LSO.IS

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bæklingur 2012 
Listasafn Sigurjóns
þriðjudagskvöld 14. ágúst 2012 kl. 20:30

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Guðný og Elísabeth
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Guðnýu í síma 692 4752
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Duo Isold. Guðný Jónasdóttir sellóleikari og Elisabeth Streichert píanóleikari frumflytja sellósónötu nr. 1 Vísanir - Allusions eftir bandaríska tónskáldið og bassaleikarann Carter Callison á næstu sumartónleikum Listasafns Sigurjóns, 14. ágúst.
Einnig flytja þær Sónötu fyrir selló og píanó í C dúr óp. 119 eftir Sergei Prokofiev og Le Grande Tango eftir Astor Piazzolla. Sellósónatan Carters er í fjórum köflum og tónskáldið segir sjálft um um verkið:
Ég hóf að semja Sellósónötu nr. 1; Vísanir - Allusions síðastliðið vor fyrir Duo Isold með það í huga að þar mætti skynja kontrapunkt gömlu barrokk meistaranna, en í mínum persónulega harmóníska stíl. Fyrsti kaflinn hefst með móðukenndri áferð frá oktatónískum línum og mikilli notkun píanópedals. Annar kaflinn er í mótsögn við hinar polymódal laglínur sem byggjast upp og enda í mjög afgerandi hápunkti. Þriðji kaflinn er tilfinningaríkasti kafli verksins, heyra má allt frá leiða og depurð til gleði og kátínu. Lokakaflinn vegur upp þriðja kaflann með hröðum takti og sífelldum krómatíksum brotnum tónum.
    Ég ákvað að nefna verkið
Vísanir vegna þess að á stundum virðist tónlistin vísa óbeint til tónskálda úr fortíðinni en aldrei svo fyllilega að það megi þekkja.“
Guðný Jónasdóttir stundaði nám við Tónlistarskólann í Reykjavík hjá Gunnari Kvaran og síðan við tónlistardeild Listaháskóla Íslands. Veturinn 2005-2006 var hún skiptinemi við Universität der Künste í Berlín og í framhaldi af því lauk hún Bachelor gráðu frá Musikhochschule Lübeck undir leiðsögn Ulf Tischbirek. Guðný stundar nú meistaranám við Royal Academy of Music í London hjá Josephine Knight sem aðalkennara. Þá hefur hún tekið virkan þátt í alþjóðlegum námskeiðum. Hún hefur fengið margar viðurkenningar og styrki frá innlendum sem erlendum sjóðum.
    Guðný hefur komið fram sem einleikari með Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands og Ungfóníunni. Hún hefur leikið með Sinfóníuhljómsveitinni og nýlega vann hún prufuspil um Orkesterstudio Lübecker Philharmoniker þar sem hún spilaði reglulega veturinn 2010-2011. Guðný kennir litlum sellóbekk samhliða náminu og er meðlimur í Taschenoper Lübeck sem er kammerhópur sem setur upp óperur fyrir yngri kynslóðina.

Elisabeth Streichert er þýsk og hóf nám á fiðlu og píanó sex ára gömul. Í æsku vann hún til fjölda verðlauna, bæði á fiðlu og á píanó, í keppnum svo sem Jugend musiziert og Thürmer Klavierwettbewerb Bochum. Á árunum 2007 til 2011 lærði Elisabeth á píanó hjá Konstanze Eickhorst prófessor við Musikhochschule Lübeck og sótti opnar kennslustundir t.d. hjá prófessorunum Karl-Heinz Kämmerling og Adrian Oetiker. Nú stundar hún meistaranám við Royal Academy of Music í London.
    Elisabeth leikur reglulega á tónleikum í Þýskalandi og öðrum Evrópulöndum og hefur leikið einleik með mörgum hljómsveitum, meðal annars lék hún hljómsveitarpíanópartinn á 'Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival' undir stjórn Christoph Eschenbach. Hún er eftirsóttur meðleikari og kammertónlistarmaður og er meðlimur kammerhópsins 'Mirus Ensemble' sem flytur verk fyrir tréblásara og píanó. Elísabet er virk á mörgum sviðum tónlistar og er meðal annars kórstjóri.

Bandaríkjamaðurinn Carter Callison lauk miðskólaprófi 2005 í Winston-Salem í Norður Caroline og stundaði jafnframt nám í bassaleik. Þaðan lá leið hans til Manhattan School of Music í New York borg, hann nam þar og lauk prófi í bassaleik og einnig tónsmíðum. Í fyrrahaust hóf hann doktorsnám í tónsmíðum við Royal Academy of Music í London.
    Carter hefur leikið á kontrabassa víða um Evrópu og Ameríku, einleik eða með hljómsveitum, á tónlistarhátíðum eða einstökum tónleikum. Samhliða því hefur honum gefist tími til að semja fjölda tónverka sem flutt hafa verið af kammersveitum sem stærri hljómsveitum víða um lönd. Tónlist hans er gefin út hjá TPR Music.

Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum, Reykjavík

Tuesday evening,
August 14 at 20:30
Admission ISK 2000 - at the entrance. Credit cards accepted

Where is the Museum?

Guðný and Elisabeth
A PDF version of the program

Further informations gives
Guðný at tel. 692 4752

Duo Isold. Guðný Jónasdóttir cello and Elisabeth Streichert piano.
Premiere of Carter Callison's new composition: Cello sonata No. 1.: "Allusions". Also Sonata for cello and piano in C major op. 119 by Sergei Prokefiev and Astor Piazzola's Le Grande Tango.
Said Carter Callison:
"My work on Cello Sonata No. 1: Allusions began in the spring of 2012 when I began collaborating with Duo Isold. My initial intention was to develop a work that imitated the counterpoint of the great baroque masters but stylized with my own harmonic language.
The first movement begins with a hazy texture from the octatonic lines and the significant use of piano pedal. The second movement stands in contrast with its poly-modal melodies that build to an extremely dense climax. The third movement is the most contemplative movement of the piece and seems to embody a variety of emotions from somber to joyous.
The final movement juxtaposes the third with its brisk tempo and chromatic arpeggios throughout. I decided to name the piece Allusions because at times the music seems to allude to composers of the past while never fully revealing its historical context."

Guðný Jónasdóttir studied the cello with Gunnar Kvaran at the Reykjavík College of Music and the Iceland Academy of the Arts. After a student exchange year in Berlin at the Universität der Künste, she studied at the Musikhochschule Lübeck in the class of Ulf Tischbirek, and finished her Bachelor Degree. Currently she is studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London with Josephine Knight. Besides her studies, she has participated in several international master-classes.
    Guðný is a very engaged musician who, in recent years, has looked into all aspects of being a professional cellist. She has performed as a soloist with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and the Icelandic Youth Orchestra. She has freelanced with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and had an internship with the Lübecker Philharmoniker. She is a member of the Taschenoper Lübeck, a chamber group that performs major operas for children.

German native Elisabeth Streichert had her first piano and violin lessons at the age of six, her piano teacher being Peter Froundjian the founder of the German festival 'Raritäten der Klaviermusik'. From 2007-2011 she studied the piano at the University of Music Lübeck in the class of Prof. Konstanze Eickhorst. She has attended several master-classes with Prof. Karl-Heinz Kämmerling and Prof. Adrian Oetiker, among others.
    Elisabeth plays frequent piano-recitals in Germany and other European countries, and has performed as a soloist with a variety of orchestras. In 2010 she played the orchestral piano part at the 'Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival' under the direction of Christoph Eschenbach. She is an active chamber musician, e.g. a member of the woodwind-piano ensemble 'Mirus Ensemble', and she is also trained as a choir-director. Currently she studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London for her Master Degree.

Carter Callison enjoys an active life as a composer and freelance double bassist. He began his bass studies at the age of 16 with the Grammy Award winning bassist Eliot Wadopian. A year later, Carter went on to the North Carolina School for the Arts (UNCSA) and received his high school diploma in 2005. While there, he studied bass with Lynn Peters and Counterpoint with Dr. Lawrence Dillion. Following graduation, Carter attended the Manhattan School of Music where he was the first student to double major in both composition and double bass. His teachers included Dr. Reiko Füting, Dr. Robert Sirota and Linda McKnight. In 2007, Carter was selected for an exchange program at the Royal College of Music in London. While there he studied bass with Mini Bass founder Caroline Emery and composition with Michael Zev Gordon. Being aware of his innate teaching abilities, the Royal College faculty appointed Carter Teacher Deputy in the Royal College Junior Department. As an avid orchestral and solo bassist, Carter has participated in many International Music festivals such as Domaine Forget, the International Festival Institute in Round Top Texas, the Brevard Music Festival and Winter Bass Club 2007 in Norfolk, UK. As a participant at these festivals and through school events, Carter has performed in master classes with world renowned musicians such as Francois Rabbath, Paul Ellison, Jeremy McCoy, Ali Yazdandfar, Etienne Lafrance, James VanDermark and Barry Lieberman. Aside from his busy performing schedule, Carter still manages to compose varied chamber and orchestral works that have been performed internationally by ensembles such as the BBC Singers, Spitalfields Winter Festival, and Duo Kadans among others. In September 2011, Carter returned to London to pursue a Master's of Music Degree and PhD in Composition at the Royal Academy of Music. His principle teacher is Christopher Austin. All of Carter's compositions are published exclusively through TPR Music.

Short version:
In 2005, Carter Callison attended the Manhattan School of Music where he was the first student to double major in both composition and double bass. Since then he has remained busy composing, teaching and performing throughout Europe and America. Carter is currently pursuing a MMus and PhD in composition at the Royal Academy of Music. His works are published by TPR Music.

fréttatilkynningu lokið / end of release