Upcoming Events:
Tuesday July 30th at 8:30 pm
Erla Dóra, Björk, Gróa Mar­grét and Eva Þyri
Natural, unnatural and supernatural
Erla Dóra Vogler mezzo­soprano, Björk Níels­dótt­ir soprano, Gróa Mar­grét Valdi­mars­dótt­ir violin and Eva Þyri Hilmars­dótt­ir piano.
A con­cert with new and older songs by the Ice­land­ic female com­poser Þór­unn Guð­munds­dótt­ir. The pro­gram can be dev­id­ed into three cate­gories. Firstly, playful duets about summer, love and food to text by the com­poser. Sec­ondly, songs for solo voice to poems by Hann­es Haf­stein about loss and ghosts. Finally we will hear songs with myth­ical text from Ice­land­ic folk tales, pre­sum­ably by − or about − elves, ghosts and trolls.
Tuesday August 6th at 8:30 pm
Svanur and Þórdís Gerð­ur
Þórdís Gerð­ur Jóns­dótt­ir cello and Svanur Vilbergs­son guitar. Haf­liði Hall­gríms­sons's composition Tristia for guitar and cello . Also Suite Populaire Espagnole by Man­uel de Falla and Sonata for Cello and Guitar by Rad­amés Gnattali.
Tuesday August 13th at 8:30 pm
Hanna Dóra, Kjartan, Ár­mann and Sig­urð­ur
Chalumeau-Trio and Hanna Dóra
Clarinettists Kjartan Óskars­son, Sig­urð­ur Ingvi Snorra­son and Ár­mann Helga­son with mezzo-soprano Hanna Dóra Sturlu­dótt­ir. The Tri­o's reper­toire in­clud­es works that span the ent­ire hist­ory of the clarin­et instru­ments and their pre­deces­sors, from early 18th cent­ury up to pre­sent day. This concert's pro­gram in­clud­es works by Christ­oph Graupn­er, Franc­esco B. Conti, and the Ice­land­ic com­pos­ers Jón­as Tómas­son and Hjálm­ar H. Ragnars­son.

Previous Events:
Tuesday July 2nd at 8:30 pm
Freyr and Arnaldur
Sounds from the South
Freyr Sigurjóns­son flutist and Arn­ald­ur Arnar­son guitarist perform Sonatine Op. 205 by Mario Castel­nu­ovo-Ted­esco, Or­ig­inal Tänze by Franz Schu­bert, Musiq­ues popu­laires brés­ilienn­es by Celso Mach­ado and Suite Buen­os Aires by Máx­imo Diego Pujol.
Tuesday July 9th at 8:30 pm
Einar and Alessandra
Dream, Seam and Dance
Einar Jó­hannes­son clarinett and Ales­sandra Pomp­ili piano
A wind­ow into the rom­ant­ic, dream­like world of the 19th cent­ury will be op­en­ed with works by Rob­ert and Clara Schu­mann and their gift­ed friend and con­temp­or­ary, Norb­ert Burg­müll­er, who died tragic­ally at the age of 26. Then more mod­ern works will be heard, for ex­ample a brand new piece by John Speight, Patch­work, and music by the English com­pos­er and poly­math, Thom­as Pit­field. A colour­ful Hung­ar­ian dance will bring the pro­gramme to a close.
Tuesday July 16th at 8:30 pm
Þórhildur, Emma and Sólrún
Birdsongs and Serenadas
Trio Sól: Violinists Emma Garðarsdóttir and Sólrún Ylfa Ingimarsdóttir and violist Þórhildur Magnúsdóttir perform the work O3, which Ingi­björg Ýr Skarp­héðins­dótt­ir com­posed for the Trio and serenadas and sonatas by Zoltán Kodály, Max Reger and Lud­wig van Beet­hoven.
Tuesday July 23rd at 8:30 pm
Guðrún and Fran­cisco
‘She is the Spring’
Guðrún Jóhanna Ólafs­dótt­ir mezzo­soprano and guitarist Fran­cisco Jav­ier Jáure­gui.
The title of the con­cert is the title of poem by late Matt­hías Jo­hannes­sen to which Hauk­ur Tómas­son wrote the mus­ic. The program consists of songs, all of which are con­nect­ed to wo­men. Some of them are com­pos­ed by wom­en or with text by fe­male poets, oth­ers about women.
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List of earlier concerts and events