Winter and Spring 2024

Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February at 8:00 pm Thura

Two concerts with the beloved Icelandic singer Thura Sigurðardóttir accompanied by some of her fellow musicians.

In connection to her exhibition Home and Away in the upper hall of the Museum.
Tuesday February 6th at 8:00 pm A story on a long embroidered Tapestry

Profes­sor emer­it­us Reynir Tóm­as Geirs­son tells the story of the fam­ous Bayeux tap­estry, which was em­broid­er­ed in England in the elev­enth cent­ury. This 70m long tap­estry is a pictor­ial story of the epic Nor­man in­vas­ion from France into Eng­land in 1066 end­ing with the Battle of Hast­ings.
Tuesday February 13th at 8:00 pm The Njál's Saga Tapestry

Kristín Ragna Gunnars­dótt­ir, art­ist and au­thor, talks about the cre­ative pro­cess be­hind the Njál's Saga Tap­estry that she de­sign­ed and il­lu­strat­ed. It is around 90 meters long and carries figures bas­ed on one of the best known Ice­land­ic Saga, the Njál’s Saga. Num­er­ous people took part in sew­ing it at Hvols­völl­ur, the hist­or­ic site of the Njál's Saga.
Tuesday February 20th at 8:00 pm
Freyr, Hlíf, Martin and Þórdís Gerður
Mozart's Flute Quartets

Freyr Sigurjónsson flute, Hlíf Sigurjónsdóttir violin, Martin Frewer viola and Þórdís Gerður Jónsdóttir cello.
All four of Mozart's Flute Quart­ets. The first three were com­pos­ed 1777−78 while in Mann­heim and the fourth one a dec­ade later. The Mann­heim quart­ets were com­mission­ed by a rich ama­teur play­er. They all count as ex­ampl­es of re­fin­ed chamb­er music con­ceiv­ed for skill­ed ama­teur play­ers and dom­estic con­sumpt­ion. While hardly as com­plex a show­case of Moz­art's com­po­sition­al skills as many of his string quart­ets, all four quart­ets abound­ing in gentle wit and good humour, and writt­en not as mini-con­cert­os for flute and string trio but as chamb­er music for equal partners.
Tuesday February 27th at 8 pm

Composer Sigvaldi Kaldalóns

Pianist Nína Mar­grét Gríms­dótt­ir and Giss­ur Páll Giss­urar­son tenor.

A pro­gram dedi­cat­ed to this pop­ular com­poser who also serv­ed as the physi­cian in a rural part of Ice­land. In­clud­ed in the pro­gram will be be­lov­ed songs such as Þú eina hjart­ans, Svana­söngur á heiði, Þótt þú lang­förull legð­ir and Ég lít í anda liðna tíð. The art­ists will re­cite origin­al texts about the com­poser and his art inter­woven with the songs.
Tuesday March 19th at 8 pm From Svartárkot to Hulda of Skútu­staðir, with a stop­over at Stafns­holt

Viðar Hreins­son conn­ects inter­nation­al en­viron­ment­al human­it­ies with the lay stud­ies in the Ice­land­ic country­side in a talk about the pro­gress from the pro­ject Svartár­kot, Culture − Nature, that was launch­ed in 2007, to the newly establ­ish­ed centre for nat­ural hum­anit­ies, named Hulda, oper­at­ed at Skútu­stað­ir by Lake Mývatn. The talk will be spic­ed with stor­ies of Helgi Jóns­son from Stafns­holt on the Fljóts­heiði Heath, who was per­haps the most re­mark­able un­known writ­er in Icelandic lit­er­ary history.
Tuesday March 26th at 8 pm Concert

Sólrún Bragadóttir soprano and Jón Sigurðsson piano.

Songs from the Late Romantic period. Six Songs opus 90 by Jean Sibelius and works by Reyn­aldo Hahn, Henri Dup­arc, Hugo Wolf, Rich­ard Strauss, Ern­est Chaus­son and Fran­cis Poulenc.
Tuesday April 9th at 8 pm Duo Landon
A Glimpse of three centuries of the European Violin Duo

Violinists Hlíf Sigurjónsdóttir and Martin Frewer.
The violin duo is a well-establ­ish­ed trad­it­ion in centr­al Eur­ope, but does not have a long hist­ory in Ice­land. After violin duos by J. Leclair and C. Beriot, the Duo will play Ice­land­ic works by Þor­kell Sigur­björns­son, Hildi­gunn­ur Rúnars­dótt­ir and Mart­in Frew­er. Also Folk-tunes for Violin, ar­rang­ed for violin duo by Martin Frewer.
Tuesday April 16th at 8 pm

Composer Páll Ísólfs­son

Pianist dr. Nína Margrét Grímsdóttir gives a lecture on her doctoral dissertation on the piano works of dr. Páll Ísólfs­son entitled ‘The Piano Works of Páll Ísólfsson (1893-1974) − A Diverse Collection’ (2010). She will talk about her work on this groundbreaking research of Icelandic music history, illustrated with musical examples from the recording collection of the The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service − RUV.
Two extra Concerts
Thursday 18th and Friday 19th April at 8:00 pm

Two concerts with the beloved Icelandic singer Thura Sigurðardóttir accompanied by some of her fellow musicians.

In connection to her exhibition Home and Away in the upper hall of the Museum.
Tuesday April 23rd at 8 pm
Solo Piano Concert

Italian pianist Sebastiano Brusco plays Piano Sonata No. 12 in F Major K 332 by W.A. Mozart, Drei Klavierstücke by Franz Schubert and three of Frédéric Chopin's piano works.
Tuesday May 14th at 8 pm

− Cancelled −

  Tenor Jón Þorsteinsson

Jón Þorsteins­son pass­ed away on the night of Satur­day, May 4th. His fun­eral will take place at Ólafs­fjörð­ur Church Wednes­day, May 22nd at 2 pm. The fun­eral will be stream­ed on a screen in Sigur­jón Ólafs­son Mus­eum at Laugar­nes and we, at the museum, invite his friends, relatives and admires to sit with us and honor this great artist and human being.
    Hlíf Sigurjónsdóttir